The Bower of Love

In recent weeks the Satin Bower Birds of Paluma have been busy with the breeding season and courtship rituals. Male birds have been chortling and calling in the canopy and busily working on their remarkable bowers to attract a female mate.

This year I am lucky enough to have a bower in my own garden. (And I am going to brag about it!).

My bower was constructed over a period of about two weeks and not long after it took form, the blue trinkets and treasures started to appear. A quick inventory last Sunday noted the following:- 2 x bottle tops, plastic straw, surveyors tape, 4 x pen lids, lolly packets, cellophane, half a peg, electrical cable ties and plastic cord. All the items are of a similar shade of bright blue. None of the items observed in the bower have been collected from nature.

While the hard work and ingenuity of these birds in constructing their bower and decorating it with a variety of blue treasures is to be truly admired, it is very disconcerting to see that every item in this bower is made from plastic.

Is this a remarkable adaptation of the satin bower bird to the modern world, or a sad indictment of the intrusive impact of humans in every facet of the natural world?…….I can’t decide.

Text & Photos by Michele (Bower) Bird

REMINDER: Paluma Rural Fire Brigade AGM, Saturday 14 September

A reminder that the Paluma Rural Fire Brigade (PRFB) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held this coming Saturday 14th September at 4 PM.

The meeting will be held within the Fire Brigade Section of the Community Hall, not the main hall which has been booked for another function.

(If you mistakenly end up at the main hall you might find yourself sewing with the ladies from the ‘Blankets of Love’ group!!).

If you have any queries re Saturday’s meeting, please contact Len Cook at

October Events at Paluma

Just a reminder about two upcoming events at Paluma during October!

The Paluma Sunday Market and Sausage Sizzle will be held at the Community Hall over the long weekend on 6 October from 9 AM to 1 PM. Come along to browse the wares on sale and to enjoy the delicious sausage sizzle.

If you are interested in having a stall at the market or you can volunteer to assist at the sausage sizzle, please contact one of the PDCA members. Volunteers and helpers always welcome!

The stars will be out and shining at the Paluma Dinner Under the Stars to be held on Saturday 26 October at the High Ropes Course. Come along at 6 PM to enjoy a meal with your Paluma friends, neighbours and extended family under the dazzling Paluma night sky. Last year the weather was perfect with a balmy clear night. Let’s hope the mountain mist doesn’t roll in before dinner and drinks are enjoyed by all.

See you there…!

Vale Loris Klumpp (1925-2019)

Loris Klumpp (nee Brown), 9 September 1925 to 26 July 2019

Sadly, the last of the early pioneers of Paluma, Loris Klumpp, passed away in Brisbane recently, aged 93.

Loris, with her parents Eric and Ruby Brown and sister Averil, started visiting Paluma in the early 1930’s. Eric purchased land at 70 Mt Spec Road at the first public auction in 1934. The land was two doors down from Ivy Cottage. This property is still owned today by the Klumpp family.

Loris wrote an interesting recollection of her childhood memories of Paluma in Neal Sellars publication, The Paluma Road – 50 Years On. You can read her account in the History Section of the website. Loris’ account starts at the bottom of page 4 in the document.

[mdocs single-file=”Paluma Road.pdf”]

During the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s Loris, with husband Bill, loved their time at Paluma, enjoying the climate, fauna, flora and social gatherings. Just for the same reasons many locals enjoy time at Paluma today.

After volunteer work in Townsville, Loris and Bill enjoyed 4 to 5 days of each week at Paluma. Every Friday night ‘it was on at the Klumpps’. Local residents visited the Klumpps for a fun night playing table-tennis and snooker, with the ladies playing cards. Everyone brought a plate to share for supper. On the weekends many ‘Wimbledon finals’ were hotly contested on the old World War 2 tennis court located opposite Ivy Cottage. The playing surface was said to be – part cement, part grass and part dirt – due to all the cracks! Contestants had to be skilled as ‘all court players’.

Loris and Bill moved to the Sunshine coast in 1991, handing over their Paluma property to son and daughter-in-law, Peter and Dorothy.

In her later years, after suffering ill health, Loris was lovingly nursed and cared for by her daughter and son-in-law, Diane and Russ Morgan. The many visits from her four grandsons and nine great grandchildren gave Loris much joy.

When not volunteering, Loris always kept herself busy with many hobbies and interests. She was an avid novel and history reader, piano player, china painter, art lover, dressmaker, crochet needle worker, gardener, extensive overseas traveller, and she loved cooking for large family and social gatherings. It may be easy to see why Loris will always be loved and missed by her family and friends.

Loris’ deep and abiding affection for the little rainforest village of Paluma now lives on through her descendants in the Klumpp family. All family members, over five generations, love visiting Paluma and enjoy the area’s natural beauty and wonders. Loris’ spirit will always reside in the village – somewhere about 70 Mt Spec Road and the old tennis court!

Article & Photo provided courtesy of Peter & Dorothy Klumpp

Paluma Rural Fire Brigade AGM

Members of the Paluma Rural Fire Brigade (PRFB) are advised that Len Cook proposes to hold the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday 14th September at 4 PM at the Community Hall.

Len Cook advises that a full quorum is required to the hold the meeting.

If you are a member of the PRFB please advise your availability to attend the AGM by contacting Len Cook via email:-

‘Tree Men’ at Paluma

Good morning

Had a call from Don at the Tree Men yesterday afternoon (Friday). He’s coming up to Paluma next week to scope out a job request.

If anyone has a problem tree, please call him on 0419 029 234.

We’re not getting anything cut, but Don has given us good service in the past.



16 Mt Spec Road, Paluma QLD 4816

Phone +61 7 4770 8690


Glitz & Glamour Galore…..!

The stars weren’t the only thing shining at Paluma last Saturday night, with the inaugural Glamour & Glitz Social at the Community Hall. The night was filled with glitter, sequins and precious jewels, all on display. Some stunning outfits were worn by the ladies, the frocks to rival any H(B)ollywood red carpet event. The razzle dazzle and glitz was so great that some patrons had to wear their sunglasses all night! Even the menu had sparkle with a dazzling chocolate and silver masterpiece (cake) made by Jennie, in (belated) celebration of Lynn’s birthday.

While only a small crowd attended this event, it was quite possibly the most successful social this year for fun and frivolity. There was much laughter and camaraderie and anyone passing the Hall on Saturday night might have thought that 100 people were in attendance. The music was sensational with a soundtrack of classic dance tunes. Some patrons took a whirl around the dance floor before tucking into the menu of savouries, casseroles and other delights.

If you didn’t attend the Glamour and Glitz Social then you missed the opportunity for a night of fun and frivolity – but most importantly, you missed the chance to meet and mingle with your Paluma friends and neighbours and to support your own community association. Social events are fun, but they are also vital to raising much needed funds for the PDCA, so that all those very important matters like road repair and maintenance and the preservation of all those things we most love about Paluma can remain on the working agenda.

See you at the next Social planned for 2 November. The weekend is short, but friendship and strength of community goes on and on……!